
If you are looking for a podiatrist Sandringham has a lot to offer. Melbourne Podiatrist, a reputable clinic with many satisfied clients, has a branch in the Sandringham area. Below are some of the services they offer.


In most sports, our feet and lower legs carry the brunt of the pressure except maybe in chess. According to Melbourne Podiatrist the most common sport podiatry injuries include Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, runner’s knee (knee cap pain), heel pain (plantar fasciitis) and ankle sprain. The clinic offers treatment programs for overuse related sports podiatry injuries as well as mechanical performance enhancement to minimize injury and maximize efficiency.


Did you know that going bare foot will actually benefit your children? Kids, especially toddlers should be allowed to go bare foot most of the time and wear shoes only to protect from the cold and to protect from sharp object when going out of the house. Otherwise, they should be allowed to go barefoot to allow the muscles and ligaments of their feet to strengthen. Most issues like flat feet, pronation and supination are normal in children as their feet are not yet sufficiently developed. If the problem persists long after early childhood or is interfering with your child’s mobility Melbourne Podiatrist can have shoes and orthotics specifically fitted for your child’s needs.


Orthotics are medical devices that guide or correct the motion of your feet. These devices are commonly used in patients who have over pronation and supination of the feet at well as flat feet. Orthotics can either be customized or pre-fabricated. However, if your budget permits most podiatrists would highly recommend having your orthotics customized. Sure you could get these devices in other places but it is much better to consult a podiatrist. Their Podiatrists are university trained to be able to address your concerns and be able to prescribe treatment after thorough assessment for orthotics near Hampton and Melbourne’s inner north suburbs

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Shockwave therapy uses intense acoustic waves to induce localized healing in any injured part of the body. The shock waves increase blood circulation and stimulate the development of new blood vessels. This in turn increases metabolism and promotes healing of the injured area. Another benefit of shockwave therapy is that it may also serve as an analgesic. Melbourne Podiatrist offers this service for their podiatric patients.


Melbourne Podiatrist offers a way to permanently get rid of bothersome ingrown toe nails. You may opt to have your toe nails correctly trimmed by a podiatrist or you may also opt for nail surgery. Partial Nail Avuslsion (PNA) cures ingrown nail growth permanently by first trimming the nail properly and then dealing with the offensive nail area at the base. This prevents regrowth of the area of the nail that causes ingrown.


Heel pain can be cause by a number of things including plantar fasciitis (damage or inflammation of the plantar ligament connecting the heel to the ball of the foot), overuse, low quality footwear and obesity. At Podiatrist & Orthotics Melbourne they will assess and diagnose the cause of the heel pain and prescribe orthotics, shockwave therapy or exercises to alleviate the pain.


Video gait analysis is a way by which podiatrists assess you biomechanically. By observing how you walk, jog, run and sprint a podiatrist can identify any inert problems with your movement that may be causing discomfort or injury. Podiatrists may also use video gait analysis to show you how you can improve or enhance your athletic performance.   If you have any podiatry concerns visit Melbourne Podiatrist and arrange to have an appointment with their resident podiatrist.

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