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Do you know what are common dental procedures? Let’s face it, permanent teeth can last for a lifetime if you take proper care of it. The risk of gum disease, teeth whitening Balwyn North, tooth decay, and tooth loss can be avoided with proper and good oral hygiene.

In order to reduce the risk of oral health problems, you must use a mouthguard, have low-sugar diet, and most importantly, visit the dentist frequently. It is recommended to visit dental clinic Balwyn North once in six months.

Modern dental procedures such as porcelain veneers Balwyn North use advanced technology that causes no to little discomfort. There are various dental procedures offered by dental professionals. In this post, we have talked about dental procedures. Read on to know what common dental procedures are.

What Are Dental Procedures?

When you visit the dentist or go for a dental checkup, your dentist will suggest a dental procedure if you have an infection, injury, deformity, gum disease treatment Balwyn North, pain, or any other oral problems. In case the dentist near Templestowe Lower has recommended a dental procedure, or you are thinking of getting one, here is everything you need to know.


A crown is the most common and easy procedure. A crown is a cap that covers the real tooth. This is made from metal or porcelain that is fixed in your mouth. The crown will be fixed where the teeth are broken, damaged, or decayed. This is used to make the teeth look better.

In order to place the crown, the old teeth will have to be drilled down. It will take time to prepare the crown, so it will not be fitted on the same day.

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This is a simple procedure that is used to replace missing teeth. A bridge is a fixed replacement that is made by taking an impression of the nearby teeth. This will support the bridge; it is usually made from precious materials like porcelain and metal. It will be fixed in your mouth and it cannot be removed.

Root Canal Treatment

The root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a great way to tackle infection that is present at the centre of the teeth. When the nerve supply or blood supply is infected, it will spread to other parts. If it is not treated on time, the infected teeth have to be removed.

During this treatment, the infection is removed from the inside of the root canal system. You will have to visit the dentist 2 to 3 times to complete the root canal treatment.


Fillings are one of the most popular dental procedures. This procedure is used to repair a hole in your tooth. It is caused by decay. Mostly, the material commonly used for fillings is an amalgam. It is a mixture that is made from mercury, copper, tin, zinc, and silver. The dentist will recommend appropriate type of filling that is in accordance with your clinical needs.

There are many other types of dental procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, braces, and much more. It is recommended to get a dental procedure as soon as possible when it is advised by a dental clinic near Mont Albert.

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